Martinson, Moa

Martinson, Moa

Swedish author
original name  Helga Swartz  
born Nov. 2, 1890, Vardnass, Swed.
died Aug. 5, 1964, Södertälje

      Swedish novelist who was among the first to write about the agricultural labourer, the landless worker of the Swedish countryside known as statare. The first half of her life was filled with poverty and misery, yet she retained an ability to write about the life of the workers with warmth and humour.

      The mother of five children, she was widowed at 25 and struggled to support her family. After her second marriage, to the proletarian writer Harry Martinson (divorced 1940), she began a literary career and took the name Moa Martinson. Her most successful work is the autobiographical trilogy Mor gifter sig (1936; “Mother Gets Married”), Kyrkbröllop (1938; “Church Wedding”), and Kungens rosor (1939; “The King's Roses”). Her later novels were about proletarian characters of the 18th and 19th centuries.

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  • Moa Martinson — (Helga Maria Swartz) (1890–1964), escritora sueca. Publicó veinte novelas sobre la dura vida cotidiana de la mujer en la industria y en el campo. Destaca su trilogía autobiográfica Mor gifter sig (Mamá se casa), 1936, Kyrkbröllop (Boda en la… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Martinson — Mạrtinson,   1) Harry Edmund, schwedischer Schriftsteller, * Jämshög (Län Blekinge) 6. 5. 1904, ✝ Stockholm 11. 2. 1978; ging nach einer schweren Kindheit und Jugend 16 jährig zur See und kehrte nach vielen Reisen, u. a. nach Südamerika und… …   Universal-Lexikon

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