Maratta, Carlo

Maratta, Carlo

Italian painter
Maratta also spelled  Maratti  
born May 15, 1625, Camerano, Papal States [Italy]
died Dec. 15, 1713, Rome
 one of the leading painters of the Roman school in the later 17th century and one of the last great masters of Baroque classicism. His final works offer an early example ofarcadian good taste” (named for the Academy of Arcadians, of which he was a member), a style that was to dominate Roman art for the first half of the 18th century.

 Maratta went early to Rome, where he studied. His reputation was established with his first public work, the Nativity (1650). A few years later he was noticed by Pope Alexander VII, and thereafter he secured an almost uninterrupted series of important commissions for altarpieces in Italian churches. Among these are The Mystery of the Trinity Revealed to St. Augustine (c. 1655), The Appearance of the Virgin to St. Philip Neri (c. 1675), and The Virgin with SS. Charles and Ignatius (c. 1685). His many popular depictions of the Virgin earned him the nickname Carluccio delle Madonne (“Little Carlo of the Madonnas”). He also executed a number of decorative ceiling frescoes in Roman palaces, the most important of which was for Pope Clement X in the Palazzo Altieri. Maratta painted with a clear and balanced composition that promotes papal clemency and Christian virtues. His critique of the style of Andrea Sacchi (Sacchi, Andrea) (15991661) places him securely in the classical camp of Roman Baroque painting. Maratta was one of the most distinguished portrait painters in Italy during this period, and his portraits include one of Pope Clement IX (Clement IX).

      Maratta advocated classicism, at least in theory, in opposition to the Baroque painters Pietro da Cortona, Baciccio, and Padre Pozzo. But Maratta was only partly a classicist in practice. His work displays without restraint the Baroque quality of magnificence, and he was wholeheartedly engaged in the task of representing with the utmost splendour the dogmas of the Counter-Reformation.

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  • Maratta, Carlo — • An Italian painter, b. at Camerino, in the March of Ancona, 13 May, 1625, d. in Rome, 15 December, 1713 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Carlo Maratta — Carlo Maratta, self portrait. Carlo Maratta or Maratti (13 May 1625 – 15 December 1713) was an Italian painter, active mostly in Rome, and known principally for his classicizing paintings executed in a Late Baroque Classical manner. Although …   Wikipedia

  • Carlo Maratti — Carlo Maratta, Selbstporträt Carlo Maratta (* 13. Mai 1625 in Camerano nahe Ancona; † 15. Dezember 1713 in Rom; auch bekannt als Carlo Maratti) war ein italienischer Maler der römischen Schule. Schon in frühester Jugend zeigte sich bei Maratta… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Maratta — Carlo Maratta, Selbstporträt Carlo Maratta (* 13. Mai 1625 in Camerano nahe Ancona; † 15. Dezember 1713 in Rom; auch bekannt als Carlo Maratti) war ein italienischer Maler der römischen Schule. Schon in frühester Jugend zeigte sich bei Maratta… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Carlo Maratta —     Carlo Maratta     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Carlo Maratta     An Italian painter, b. at Camerino, in the March of Ancona, 13 May, 1625, d. in Rome, 15 December, 1713. From very early years Maratta showed an extraordinary skill in design, and… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Carlo Maratta — Autorretrato de Carlo Maratta. Museos reales de Bellas Artes de Bélgica. Carlo Maratta o Maratti (Camerano, 13 de mayo de 1625 Roma, 15 de diciembre de 1713) fue un pintor italiano del alto barroco (barroco final), que trabajó principalmente en… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Carlo Maratta — Carlo Maratta, Selbstporträt Carlo Maratta (* 13. Mai 1625 in Camerano nahe Ancona; † 15. Dezember 1713 in Rom; auch bekannt als Carlo Maratti) war ein italienischer Maler der römischen Schule. Schon in frühester Jugend zeigte sich bei Maratta… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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