Mannlicher, Ferdinand, Ritter von

Mannlicher, Ferdinand, Ritter von

Austrian arms designer
born Jan. 30, 1848, Mainz, Rhenish Hesse
died Jan. 20, 1904, Vienna

      Austrian firearms designer who invented the cartridge clip, which allows loading a box magazine in one motion.

      Mannlicher served as chief engineer of the Austrian Northern Railroad and then joined the Austrian Arms Company, Styr, in 1866. His first rifle design, a turning-bolt action, was not a notable success; but his subsequent designs incorporated many advanced innovations and came into wide use in Europe. His first straight-pull, bolt-action rifle (1884) led to the popular Model 1885 11-mm Austrian service rifle. In 1885 he developed the cartridge clip and used it in the Model 1885. Later, the clip was almost universally adopted for automatic-feeding pistols and rifles.

      Mannlicher designed about 150 types of repeating guns, many of them automatic. Many of his designs were failures because they were more advanced than the ammunition and metals of their day.

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