Mann, Heinrich

Mann, Heinrich

German writer

born March 27, 1871, Lübeck, Ger.
died March 12, 1950, Santa Monica, Calif., U.S.
 German novelist and essayist, a socially committed writer whose best-known works are attacks on the authoritarian social structure of German society under Emperor William II.

      Mann, the elder brother of the novelist Thomas Mann (Mann, Thomas), entered publishing, but, after the death (1891) of their father, a prosperous grain merchant, he became financially independent and lived in Berlin, spending long periods abroad, particularly in France. His early novels portray the decadence of high society (Im Schlaraffenland [1900; In the Land of Cockaigne]), and his later books deal with the greed for wealth, position, and power in William's Germany. Mann's merciless portrait of a tyrannical provincial schoolmaster, Professor Unrat (1905; Small Town Tyrant), became widely known through its film version Der blaue Engel (1928; The Blue Angel). His Kaiserreich trilogyconsisting of Die Armen (1917; The Poor); Der Untertan (1918; The Patrioteer); and Der Kopf (1925; The Chief)—carries even further his indictment of the social types produced by the authoritarian state. These novels were accompanied by essays attacking the arrogance of authority and the subservience of the subjects. A lighter work of this period is Die kleine Stadt (1909; The Little Town).

      After 1918 Mann became a prominent spokesman for democracy and published volumes of political essays, Macht und Mensch (1919; “Might and Man”) and Geist und Tat (1931; “Spirit and Act”). He was forced into exile in 1933 when the Nazis came to power, and he spent several years in France before immigrating to the United States. His novel Henri Quatre (two parts, 1935 and 1938) represents his ideal of the humane use of power.

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