Mallet-Stevens, Robert

Mallet-Stevens, Robert

French architect
born March 24, 1886, Paris, France
died Feb. 10, 1945, Paris

      French architect known principally for his modernistic works in France during the 1920s and '30s.

      Mallet-Stevens received his formal training at the École Speciale d'Architecture, Paris. He came to know the work of other young architects at the Salons d'Automnes of 191214, and after the war he emerged as a fashionable and even mildly avant-garde designer.

      One of his first commissions was for the villa of the Vicomte de Noailles at Hyères, Fr. The house was used by Man Ray as the set for his film Les Mystères du Château du . The following year, Mallet-Stevens collaborated with the painter Fernand Léger and others on Marcel Lherbier's film L'Inhumaine. The house designed for the film and the villa de Noailles are representative of Mallet-Stevens' sophisticated synthesis of Cubist painting, Art Deco details, and other artistic modes of the time.

      Typically, Mallet-Stevens drew artists, musicians, and others into his projects, as he did for the Tourism pavilion and so-called French embassy he designed at the Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes, Paris, 1925, the exposition that lent its name to the style termedArt Deco.” The musicians Francis Poulenc and Arthur Honegger and the painters Léger and Robert Delaunay worked on this project.

      Mallet-Stevens was expert in the uses of metal framing and reinforced concrete; among the structures in which such techniques were applied is a block of apartments (192627) built on the rue Mallet-Stevens, Paris, so named in honour of the architect.

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  • Robert mallet-stevens — Naissance 24 mars 1886 Paris (France) Décès 8 février 1945 Paris (France) Mouvement(s) Moderniste Œuvre Édifices majeurs …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mallet-Stevens — Robert Mallet Stevens Robert Mallet Stevens Naissance 24 mars 1886 Paris (France) Décès 8 février 1945 Paris (France) Mouvement(s) Moderniste Œuvre Édifices majeurs …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mallet-stevens — Robert Mallet Stevens Robert Mallet Stevens Naissance 24 mars 1886 Paris (France) Décès 8 février 1945 Paris (France) Mouvement(s) Moderniste Œuvre Édifices majeurs …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Robert Mallet-Stevens — (March 24, 1886 February 8, 1945) was a French architect and designer. Along with Le Corbusier he is widely regarded as the most influential figure in French architecture in the period between the two World Wars. Mallet Stevens was born in Paris… …   Wikipedia

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  • Robert Mallet-Stevens — (* 24. März 1886 in Paris; † 8. Februar 1945 ebenda) war ein avantgardistischer französischer Architekt der späten zwanziger und frühen dreißiger Jahre. Seine Bauten betonen nachdrücklich das kubistische Formbild. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mallet-Stevens —   [malɛstə vɛns], Robert, französischer Architekt und Designer, * Paris 24. 3. 1886, ✝ ebenda 8. 2. 1945; Hauptvertreter der Art déco Architektur in Frankreich; beeinflusst zunächst von J. Hoffmann und C. R. Mackintosh, dann auch von den Ideen… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Rob Mallet-Stevens — Robert Mallet Stevens Robert Mallet Stevens Naissance 24 mars 1886 Paris (France) Décès 8 février 1945 Paris (France) Mouvement(s) Moderniste Œuvre Édifices majeurs …   Wikipédia en Français

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