Malibran, Maria

Malibran, Maria

Spanish opera singer
byname  La Malibran,  original name  María de la Felicidad García,  first married name  María García de Malibran,  later married name  Maria Malibran de Bériot  
born March 24, 1808, Paris, France
died Sept. 23, 1836, Manchester, Eng.

      Spanish mezzo-soprano of exceptional vocal range, power, and agility.

      María and her mezzo-soprano sister Pauline Viardot were first instructed by their father, the tenor Manuel García, and at five years of age María sang a child's part in Ferdinando Paer's Agnese in Naples. She made her London debut at the King's Theatre in 1825 as Rosina in Gioacchino Rossini's The Barber of Seville. She performed with her father's company at the Park Theater in New York City for the next two years in operas by Rossini and W.A. Mozart and in two operas written for her by her father.

      After a brief marriage to escape her father's control, Malibran made a sensational debut at the Théâtre-Italien, Paris, in Rossini's Semiramide in 1828. She then divided her time between Paris and London until she went to Italy in 1832 to sing in such operas as Vincenzo Bellini's I Capuleti e i Montecchi and La sonnambula and in the title role of Maria Stuarda, which she created for Gaetano Donizetti at La Scala in Milan. In 1836, a month after her marriage to the violinist Charles de Bériot and six months after her 28th birthday, she fell from a horse and soon died. Alfred de Musset wrote the poem Stances as a tribute to her, and in 1935 Robert Russell Bennett composed the opera Maria Malibran based on her life.

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