Malaparte, Curzio

Malaparte, Curzio

Italian writer
pseudonym of  Kurt Erich Suckert  
born June 9, 1898, Prato, Italy
died July 19, 1957, Rome

      journalist, dramatist, short-story writer, and novelist, one of the most powerful, brilliant, and controversial of the Italian writers of the fascist and post-World War II periods.

      Malaparte was a volunteer in World War I and then became active in journalism. In 1924 he founded the Roman periodical La Conquista dello stato, and in 1926 he joined Massimo Bontempelli (Bontempelli, Massimo) in founding 900, an influential, cosmopolitan literary quarterly whose foreign editorial board included James Joyce and Ilya Ehrenburg; he later became coeditor of Fiera Letteraria, then editor of La Stampa (Stampa, La) in Turin.

      An early convert to fascism, he became, next to Gabriele D'Annunzio, the most powerful writer associated with the party. His political views were voiced in his own literary magazine, Prospettive (1937), and in many articles written for fascist periodicals. He also wrote a particularly controversial and influential discussion of violence and means of revolution published in French, Technique du coup d'état (1931; Coup d'État, the Technique of Revolution; Italian trans., Tecnica del colpo di stato). His early fictionAvventure di un capitano di Sventura (1927); Sodoma e Gomorra (1931); and Sangue (1937)—also showed a fascist slant.

      During the 1940s Malaparte repudiated fascism and was expelled from the party. During World War II he was involved with the Allied armies, both as a correspondent and, later, as a liaison officer during the Allied occupation of Naples. His reports from the Russian front were published as Il Volga nasce in Europa (1943; The Volga Rises in Europe). He then acquired an international reputation with two passionately written, brilliantly realistic war novels: Kaputt (1944); and La pelle (1949; The Skin), a terrifying, surrealistically presented series of episodes showing the suffering and degradation that the war had brought to the people of Naples.

      While continuing to write articles and fiction, Malaparte wrote three realistic dramas, based on the lives of Marcel Proust (Du côté de chez Proust, performed 1948) and Karl Marx (Das Kapital, performed 1949) and on life in Vienna during the Soviet occupation (Anche le donne hanno perso la guerra, performed 1954; “The Women Lost the War Too”). He also wrote the screenplay for a film, Il Cristo proibito (1951) and, in addition to other works, published a volume titled Racconti italiani (1957; “Italian Tales”). His complete works were published 195771.

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  • Malaparte, Curzio — (pseud. Kurt Erich Suckert, 1898–1957).    An intriguing figure, Malaparte (who Italianized his name during his service as a volunteer in the Italian army in 1915) was an active Fascist in his native Tuscany. In 1924, he founded a review, La… …   Historical Dictionary of modern Italy

  • Malaparte, Curzio — ► (1898 1957) Seudónimo de Curzio Suckert, escritor italiano. Autor de Kaputt (1944) …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Malaparte, Curzio — pseud. di Kurt Erich Suckert (Prato 1898 Roma 1957) scrittore e commediografo; fondatore di “Prospettive” e con Massimo Bontempelli di “900”; condirettore de “La Fiera letteraria”; giornalista. collab./opere: “Il Selvaggio”, “Pegaso”,… …   Dizionario biografico elementare del Novecento letterario italiano

  • Malaparte, Curzio — pseud. di Suckert, Kurt Erich …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • Malaparte — Malaparte, Curzio …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Malaparte — Curzio Malaparte Pour les articles homonymes, voir Villa Malaparte. Curzio Malaparte Nom de naissance Kurt Erich Suckert Activité(s) Correspondant de guerre, romancier, journaliste, essayiste, polémiste …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Curzio Malaparte — (9 June 1898 – 19 July 1957), born Kurt Erich Suckert, was an Italian journalist, dramatist, short story writer, novelist and diplomat. His chosen surname, which he used from 1925, means evil/wrong side and is a play on Napoleon s family name… …   Wikipedia

  • Curzio Malaparte — Falconi (Prato, 9 de junio de 1898 – Roma, 19 de julio de 1957), de nombre real Kurt Erich Suckert, fue un periodista, dramaturgo, escritor de relato corto, novelista, diplomático italiano de los más importantes del siglo XX italiano. El apellido …   Wikipedia Español

  • Malaparte — Curzio Malaparte (* 9. Juni 1898 in Prato in der Toskana; † 19. Juli 1957 in Rom; eigentlich Kurt Erich Suckert – das ab 1925 verwendete Pseudonym Malaparte bedeutet wörtlich übersetzt der schlechte Teil und ist eine Anspielung auf Bonaparte (der …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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