Makarenko, Anton Semyonovich

Makarenko, Anton Semyonovich

Soviet educator
born March 1 [March 13, New Style], 1888, Belopolye, Ukraine, Russian Empire [now Bilopillya, Ukraine]
died April 1, 1939, Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R.

      teacher and social worker who was the most influential educational theorist in (education, philosophy of) the Soviet Union.

      Makarenko studied at the Poltava Pedagogical Institute and graduated in 1917 with honours. In the 1920s he organized the Gorky Colony, a rehabilitation settlement for children made homeless by the Russian Revolution and who roamed throughout the countryside in criminal gangs. In 1931 he was appointed head of the Dzerzhinsky Commune, a penal institution for young offenders.

      Makarenko was the author of several books on education. His most popular work, Pedagogicheskaya poema (193335; The Road to Life; or, Epic of Education), recounts his educational work at Gorky Colony. The work was produced as a film with an introduction by John Dewey. Kniga dlya roditeley (1937; A Book for Parents) and Flagina Bashnykh (1939; Learning to Live) explore the theory of collective education. Makarenko regarded work as basic to intellectual and moral development; all children should be assigned tasks requiring labour and should be given positions of responsibility in order to learn the limitations of their individual rights and privileges. Thus, his first principle of socialist upbringing was:The maximum possible demands with the maximum possible respect.”

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