Magnus III

Magnus III

king of Norway
byname  Magnus Barefoot,  Norwegian  Magnus Berrføtt,  Old Norse  Magnus Barfot  
born c. 1073, Norway
died August 1103, Ulster, Ire.

      king of Norway (10931103), warrior who consolidated Norwegian rule in the Orkney and Hebrides islands and on the Isle of Man (all now part of the United Kingdom). He was called Barefoot (i.e., bareleg) because he often wore Scottish kilts.

      After succeeding his father, Olaf III Haraldsson, Magnus initially ruled jointly with his cousin Haakon and became sole ruler on Haakon's death the following year. In 1098 he launched expeditions to the Hebrides and the Isle of Man and responded to Welsh pleas for help against the Normans by attacking Anglesey, where he defeated the Norman earls Hugh of Chester and Hugh of Shrewsbury. Magnus had attacked Sweden shortly after becoming king, but he made peace with the Swedish king Inge in 1101 and married his daughter Margaret.

      Magnus made another expedition in 1102, visiting the Hebrides and Orkneys and the Isle of Man. He was killed in Ireland in August 1103 while foraging for food. Norwegian control of the Isle of Man soon ended, but earls who ruled Orkney recognized the sovereignty of the Norwegian king until 1468, and the Orkney and Hebrides dioceses became part of the Norwegian church.

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Universalium. 2010.

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