

Roman emperor
in full  Flavius Magnus Magnentius  
died Aug. 11, 353, Gaul

      usurping Roman emperor from Jan. 18, 350, to Aug. 11, 353. His career forms one episode in the struggles for imperial power that occurred after the death of Constantine the Great (ruled 306337).

      Magnentius was a pagan of German descent who had achieved distinction as a soldier before having himself proclaimed emperor on Jan. 18, 350, at Augustodunum (modern Autun, France). Immediately he engineered the murder of Constans (Constans I) (sole ruler in the West from 340 to 350) and assumed control of the western half of the empire. In June 350 he crushed Nepotianus, who had declared himself emperor at Rome. To win the support of the Roman Senate, still largely pagan, in 331 he revoked Constantine's prohibition of nocturnal sacrifices. His coinage, however, shows that he was still officially Christian. His chief opponent was Constantius II, ruler of the Eastern Empire. Failing to win recognition from Constantius, Magnentius allied himself with the commander of the Danubian troops, Vetranio, who had proclaimed himself emperor on March 1, 350. This arrangement ended quickly with the abrupt overthrow of Vetranio by Constantius. In 351 Magnentius repulsed Constantius at Atrans, and advanced into the province of Pannonia Inferior. Constantius rallied and, on Sept. 28, 351, severely defeated Magnentius at the Battle of Mursa (modern Osijek, Croatia). He then invaded Italy, whereupon Magnentius fell back to Gaul and, to avoid capture, committed suicide.

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