Maeztu, Ramiro de

Maeztu, Ramiro de

Spanish journalist
in full  Ramiro De Maeztu Y Whitney  
born May 4, 1875, Vitoria, Spain
died Oct. 29, 1936, Madrid

      Spanish journalist and sociopolitical theorist.

      Maeztu's mother was of English origin, his father Basque. After living in Cuba he returned to Spain and became a leading member of the Generation of '98. In 1899 he published his first book, Hacia otra España (“Toward Another Spain”), in which he called for Spain to break with its past and enter the European mainstream. Fluent in English, he was the London correspondent for several Spanish newspapers (190519) and traveled in France and Germany to cover World War I. Disillusioned by the war, he became convinced that human reason could not solve social problems. He wrote, in English, Authority, Liberty, and Function in Light of the War, in which he called for a reliance on authority, tradition, and the institutions of the Roman Catholic church. It was published in Spanish as La crisis del humanismo (1919).

      On returning to Spain, Maeztu broke with his radical friends and became the most important intellectual apologist for the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera. He founded the conservative Acción Española movement and served as ambassador to Argentina in 1928. About this time he published a collection of penetrating literary essays, Don Quijote, Don Juan y La Celestina (1926). He was a vehement opponent of the Spanish Republic, and in his last work, La defensa de la hispanidad (1934; “In Defense of Spanishness”), he called for Spain to recover its 16th-century sense of Roman Catholic mission, which he considered beneficial to the conquered peoples of the old empire. Maeztu was shot by the Republicans in the early days of the Spanish Civil War.

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