Machado, Antonio

Machado, Antonio

Spanish author
in full  Antonio Machado y Ruiz 
born July 26, 1875, Sevilla, Spain
died February 22, 1939, Collioure, France

      outstanding Spanish poet and playwright of Spain's Generation of '98.

      Machado received a doctoral degree in literature in Madrid, attended the Sorbonne, and became a secondary school French teacher. He rejected the modernism of his contemporaries and adopted what he calledeternal poetry,” which was informed more by intuition than by intellect. Three stages can be distinguished in his artistic evolution. The first, typified by the poems in Soledades (1903; “Solitudes”) and Soledades, galerías, y otros poemas (1907; “Solitudes, Galleries, and Other Poems”), established his links with romanticism. These poems are concerned largely with evoking memories and dreams and with the subjective identification of the poet with natural phenomena, especially the sunset. In his second stage Machado turned away from pure introspection, and in Campos de Castilla (1912; “Plains of Castile”) he sought to capture the stark landscape and spirit of Castile in a severely denuded and sombre style. His later works, Nuevas canciones (1924; “New Songs”) and Poesías completas (1928; “Complete Poems”), express profound Existential views and reflect on the solitude of the poet. He also wrote plays in collaboration with his brother Manuel (Machado, Manuel) and a collection of philosophical reflections with strong Existentialist overtones, Juan de Mairena (1936). A strong supporter of the Spanish Republic, Machado fled Spain when the Republic collapsed in early 1939; he died soon afterward in exile.

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