

▪ Russian Orthodox metropolitan
Russian  Makary  
born c. 1482
died Jan. 12, 1564, [Dec. 31, 1563, old style], Moscow

      Russian metropolitan (archbishop) of Moscow and head of the Russian Church during the period of consolidation of the Muscovite Empire.

      A monk of the monastery of St. Paphnutius in Borovsk, southwest of Moscow, Macarius became archbishop of Novgorod in 1526. After his elevation in 1542 as metropolitan of Moscow and of all Russia, Macarius gathered a council of theologians and began to effect his policy of integrating sacred and secular powers through ecclesiastical support of an autocratic monarchy.

      Having established the first printing press in Russia, Macarius collected and revised annalistic and legendary records in an attempt to assign to Russia a God-chosen and unique place in Christian history. Under his direction, Moscow's synods of 1547 and 1549 canonized more than 40 Russian saints to centralize the scattered local devotions and further the independent identity of Pan-Russian Christianity. He composed the first Minei-Cetii, the first major collection of the lives of Russian saints for daily meditation and worship, arranging them in 12 volumes, one for each month of the year. His Stepennaya Kniga (“Book of Generations”) is a comprehensive history of Russian ruling families and a compendium of earlier chronicles.

      Macarius' ecclesiastico-political reform was consolidated by the Stoglavy Sobor (Council of the Hundred Chapters) at Moscow in 1551, when his new codification of Russian church law, administration, and rites was approved by the assembly of bishops. The Russianizing of Orthodoxy also had its aesthetic consequence in the development of a Muscovite religious art form. Macarius influenced Tsar Ivan (Ivan IV) to push the expansion of Russia toward the East, leading to the capture of the Tatar territory of Kazan (1552) and Astrakhan (1556), thereby opening the way to Siberia and a new field of missionary activity.

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Universalium. 2010.

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