ludi publici

ludi publici

ancient Roman games
      (Latin:public games”), ancient Roman spectacles, primarily consisting of chariot (chariot racing) races and various kinds of theatrical performances, usually held at regular intervals in honour of some god; they are distinct from the gladiatorial contests (associated with funeral rites). A special magistrate presided over them. Oldest and most famous were the Ludi Romani, or Magni, dedicated to Jupiter and celebrated each year in September. Like the Ludi Apollinares (for Apollo) and the Ludi Cereales (for Ceres), they centred on the chariot races of the Circus Maximus. A special feature of the Megalensia, or Megalesia, held in April and dedicated to Cybele, the Great Mother, were the ludi scaenici, consisting of plays and farces.

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Universalium. 2010.

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