- Lovecraft, H.P.
▪ American writerborn Aug. 20, 1890, Providence, R.I., U.S.died March 15, 1937, ProvidenceAmerican author of fantastic and macabre short novels and stories, one of the 20th-century masters of the Gothic (Gothic novel) tale of terror.Lovecraft was interested in science from childhood, but lifelong poor health prevented him from attending college. He made his living as a ghostwriter and rewrite man and spent most of his life in seclusion and poverty. His fame as a writer increased after his death.From 1923 on, most of Lovecraft's short stories appeared in the magazine Weird Tales. His Cthulhu Mythos series of tales describe ordinary New Englanders' encounters with horrific beings of extraterrestrial origin. In these short stories, Lovecraft's intimate knowledge of New England's geography and culture is blended with an elaborate original mythology. His other short stories deal with similarly terrifying phenomena in which horror and morbid fantasy acquire an unexpected verisimilitude. The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (1928), At the Mountains of Madness (1931), and The Shadow Over Innsmouth (1936) are considered his best short novels. Lovecraft was a master of poetic language, and he attained unusually high literary standards in his particular fictional genre.
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Universalium. 2010.