

also spelled  Lotuho,  Lotuko , or  Latuka  
 people of the southern Sudan, living near Torit, who speak an Eastern Sudanic language (Eastern Sudanic languages) of the Nilo-Saharan language family. They grow millet, corn (maize), peanuts (groundnuts), and tobacco and raise herds of cattle. The Lotuxo live in large, fortified villages, often with several hundred huts and divided into quarters. They lack a centralized chieftaincy but recognize the power of hereditary rainmakers, each of whom has ritual and political authority over one of the nine rain areas. There are a number of patrilineal clans with a distribution that is distinct from that of the rain areas.

      The rainmakers control an elaborate age-set system. There are annual initiation rites for those who have reached puberty: four annual groups are together initiated into sets based upon village clusters, and, when this is completed, all members are initiated into wider sets, based on rain areas. Every 16 years there is a last initiation that involves the lighting of a new fire by friction. At this time, after a mock battle between elders and youth, the initiates carry the flame of the rainmakers' new fire to each village.

      Another important office is that of the diviner, who can counter witchcraft and whose power is hereditary. Lotuxo believe in a supreme being, Naijok, who is a power associated with the dead.

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Universalium. 2010.

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