

      town and episcopal see, Marche region, central Italy, on the Musone River just south of Ancona and near the Adriatic coast. It is a noted pilgrimage resort famous for the Santa Casa, or Holy House of the Virgin. According to tradition, the Santa Casa, threatened with destruction by the Turks in 1291, was carried from Nazareth by the ministry of angels and deposited on a hill at Tersatto in Dalmatia; there an alleged appearance of the Virgin and miraculous cures attested to its sanctity. In 1294 it was similarly transported across the Adriatic to a laurel grove (lauretum, whence Loreto) near Recanati and in 1295 from there to its present site.

      Papal bulls were issued in favour of the shrine. Pope Innocent VII established a special mass for the feast of the Transportation of the Holy House (December 10). Benedict XV declared the Madonna di Loreto to be the patron of aviators (1920). The chief festival is held on September 8, the Nativity of Our Lady.

      The Holy House is enclosed by a lofty marble screen designed by Donato Bramante and reposes in the Santuario della Santa Casa, a late Gothic structure begun in 1468 and continued by Giuliano da Maiano, Giuliano da Sangallo, Bramante, and other architects, who altered the original plan, which was again revived in 1886 by Giuseppe Sacconi. The facade of the basilica was completed under Pope Sixtus V (1585–90), whose colossal statue stands in the middle of the entrance steps. Over the main door is a life-size bronze statue of the Virgin and Child by Girolamo Lombardo; the three superb late 16th-century bronze doors are also by Lombardo, his sons, and his pupils. The interior of the church has mosaics of Domenichino, Guido Reni, Barrocci, and Carlo Maratti and frescoes by Melozzo da Forlì and Luca Signorelli. The Santa Casa itself is of plain stone, 28 ft (9 m) by 12 1/2 ft and 13 1/2 ft in height, with a niche containing a small black image of the Virgin and Child in Lebanon cedar. Adjacent to the sanctuary on the Piazza della Madonna is the Palazzo Apostolico. The rest of the town is virtually a long narrow street lined with shops for the sale of religious objects. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 11,785.

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Universalium. 2010.

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