Lop Nur

Lop Nur

lake bed, China
Chinese (Pinyin)  Luobupo  or  (Wade-Giles romanization)  Lo-pu P'o,  also called  Lop Nor 

      former saline lake in northwestern China that is now a salt-encrusted lake bed. It lies within the Tarim Basin of the eastern Takla Makan Desert, in the Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang (Sinkiang, Uygur Autonomous Region of), and is one of the most barren areas of China.

      The former lake, occupying roughly 770 square miles (2,000 square km) in the 1950s, ceased to exist by about 1970 after irrigation works and reservoirs were completed on the middle reaches of the Tarim River, one of its former tributaries. According to carbon-14 dating conducted by Chinese scientific teams in 198081, a lake of variable dimensions had constantly existed in the area for about 20,000 years, even though the local climatic conditions have long varied in a narrow range from arid to extremely arid. Since the disappearance of the lake's water, the Lop Nur area has experienced increased wind erosion and salt encrustation. Salt crust now covers 8,000 square miles (21,000 square km), and yardang (irregularly shaped salt ridges) occupy nearly 1,200 square miles (3,100 square km).

      The Lop Nur area has not been permanently inhabited since about 1920, when Uighur bands fled the basin after a plague killed many of them. Native animals include a few wild Bactrian camels. Between 1964 and 1996 the area was used intermittently as a test site for Chinese underground and atmospheric nuclear explosions. The generic term nur is derived from the Mongolian word nuur (“lake”).

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