Longhi, Alessandro

Longhi, Alessandro

Venetian artist
born June 12, 1733, Venice
died 1813, Venice
 painter, etcher, and biographer of Venetian artists, the most important Venetian portrait painter of his day.

      The son of the painter Pietro Longhi, he was given his first training by his father, who quite soon put him to study under the portrait painter Giuseppe Nogari. In 1759 he was elected a member of the Venetian academy, for which he painted one of his rare allegorical pictures, “Painting and Merit.” In 1762 Longhi issued his book Compendio delle Vite de' Pittori Veneziani Istorici piu rinomati del presente secolo con sui ritratti dal naturale delineati ed indisi, one of the most important source books for the history of Venetian 18th-century painting. Both portraits and text were printed from plates he etched. Longhi's facilely rendered portraits are largely generalized likenesses lacking any acuity of character observation. He mainly portrayed the leading Venetian luminaries and dignitaries of his day in a style that drew upon his father's Rococo manner and 16th-century traditions of Venetian Renaissance portraiture.

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