

Lombard king
also spelled  Liudprand,  Italian  Liutprando 
died 744

      Lombard king of Italy whose long and prosperous reign was a period of expansion and consolidation for the Lombards.

      From his position as a Lombard chief, Liutprand gained the throne in 712, when revolution ended a succession of weak kings. He used to his advantage the Iconoclastic Controversy (727), a rebellion in Byzantine Italy caused by Emperor Leo III's condemnation of image worship. Pope Gregory II (Gregory II, Saint) sought the support of the Lombard dukes of Spoleto and Benevento, while Liutprand contracted an alliance with the exarch (Byzantine governor) of Ravenna (730). Liutprand's forces, aided by the Byzantines, invaded the Duchy of Spoleto and attacked Rome. The Pope left the city for a personal confrontation with Liutprand, a pious Catholic, who was then forced by his conscience to yield.

      In 739 Liutprand seized four cities of the Duchy of Rome. Pope Gregory III, successor to Gregory II, appealed to Charles Martel, the Frankish ruler of Gaul, but Charles, who had been Liutprand's ally against the Saracens in Provence, refused aid. When Liutprand threatened Rome once again in 742, a new pope, Zacharias (Zacharias, Saint), met with Liutprand in person at Terni, north of Rome, and again Liutprand's expansionism was thwarted by an appeal to his religious faith.

      Liutprand emended King Rothari's Edict of 643, which served as the code of Lombard law; his revision added 153 articles and abolished the guidrigild, a fine of money, like the Germanic wergild, levied to compensate for personal injury or murder.

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