

Celtic tribe
      Celtic tribe that originally lived in Gaul in the area of the Seine and Marne rivers. Some of the Lingones migrated across the Alps and settled near the mouth of the Po River in Italy around 400 BC. These Lingones were part of a wave of Celtic tribes that included the Boii and Senoni; the Lingones may have helped sack Rome in 390 BC.

      The Italian Lingones were an agricultural people highly skilled in metalworking and in weaving. After periodic war between the Celts and the Romans in Italy, they submitted in 224 BC. No further record of them exists after the Gallic Wars of the 190s. The Gallic Lingones were allies of Julius Caesar when he conquered Gaul. The emperor Otho gave them Roman citizenship in 69 AD.

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  • Lingones — were a Celtic tribe that originally lived in Gaul in the area of the headwaters of the Seine and Marne rivers. Some of the Lingones migrated across the Alps and settled near the mouth of the Po River in Cisalpine Gaul of northern Italy around 400 …   Wikipedia

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