Lillo, George

Lillo, George

▪ English dramatist
born Feb. 4, 1693, London, Eng.
died Sept. 3, 1739, London

      English dramatist of pioneer importance in whose domestic tragedy The London Merchant: or, the History of George Barnwell (1731) members of the middle class replaced the customary aristocratic or royal heroes. The play greatly influenced the rise of bourgeois drama in Germany and France, as well as in England.

      Lillo was reputedly the son of a Dutch jeweler, and his first piece was a ballad opera (produced in 1730). Inspired by the Elizabethan drama of passion (e.g., the anonymous A Yorkshire Tragedy), The London Merchant tells of a London apprentice who thrice robs his master and murders his uncle. Finally penitent, he is nonetheless executed. The story was based on an old ballad. Denis Diderot wrote his play Le Fils naturel (1757) in imitation of it.

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  • LILLO, GEORGE —    English dramatist, born in London, by trade a jeweller; wrote seven comedies, of which The Fatal Curiosity and George Barnwell are the best and the best appreciated (1693 1739) …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Lillo, George — (1693 1739)    Dramatist, of Dutch descent, was b. in London, succeeded his f. in business as a jeweller, in which he had good speed, and devoted his leisure to the composition of plays in the line of what was known as the domestic drama. He… …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

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  • Lillo [2] — Lillo, George, geb. 1693 in London, Juwelier, st. 1739; er dichtete die Trauerspiele: George Barnwell, All for love, Arden of Feversham; Silvia, Marius, Elmerik; Werke: Lond. 1775 (deutsch Lpz. 1784) …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • George Lillo — (February 4 1693 September 4 1739) was a British playwright and tragedian. Very little is known of his biography, except that he was a jeweler in London as well as a dramatist. His family may have come from Flanders originally.His most famous… …   Wikipedia

  • George Lillo — (1693 1739) fue un dramaturgo británico. Se sabe poco de su biografía, excepto que era un joyero en Londres además de dramaturgo. Puede que su familia fuera de origen flamenco. Su obra más famosa fue The London Merchant (El mercader londinense),… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Lillo —   [ lɪləʊ], George, englischer Dramatiker, * London 4. 2. 1693, ✝ ebenda 3. 9. 1739; schrieb mit »The London merchant« (1731; deutsch »Der Kaufmann von London«) das erste Trauerspiel, dessen Held ein Bürgerlicher (der Lehrling George Barnwell)… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Lillo — Lillo, William, engl. Dramatiker, geb. 1693 in London, gest. daselbst 1739, war Juwelier und schrieb in seinen Mußestunden für die Bühne. Er verfaßte sieben Dramen, darunter »George Barnwell or the merchant of London« (1731), die moralisierende… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Lillo — biographical name George 1693 1739 English dramatist …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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