Liber — In Roman mythology, Liber was originally associated with husbandry and crops, but then was assimilated with Dionysos. He is the consort of Ceres and the father of the goddess Libera. His festival, the Liberalia , was on 17 March when young men… … Wikipedia
Libera (mythology) — In Roman mythology, Libera is a goddess of fertility and the Earth. She is the daughter of Liber and Ceres. Libera is associated with Persephone of Greek mythology. References Michael Jordon, Encyclopedia of Gods, Kyle Cathie Limited, 2002 … Wikipedia
Libera (mitología) — Libera es una diosa de la fertilidad en la Religión de la antigua Roma. Sus origenes se desconocen, aunque se cree que pudo haber sido una diosa de la fertilidad de los arcaicos o pre romanos de Magna Grecia. Su nombre en latín es el femenino de… … Wikipedia Español
Libera — may refer to: * Libera (mythology), a Roman goddess of fertility and wife of Liber * Libera (music), a boy choir from London * Libera me , a movement of the Requiem * Libera, a song by Italian artist Mia Martini … Wikipedia
libera — ˈlēbəˌrä noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Latin (first word of the responsory), imperative of liberare to set free more at liberate : a Roman Catholic responsory that is sung usually at funerals after the Mass and prior to the… … Useful english dictionary
Libera — /lib euhr euh/, n. an ancient Italian goddess of wine, vineyards, and fertility and the wife of Liber, in later times identified with Persephone. * * * … Universalium
Bonaventure, the German Dominicans and the new translations — John Marenbon As the previous chapter has illustrated, even in the first half of the thirteenth century the outlook of thinkers was much affected by the newly available translations of Aristotle and of Arabic commentaries and treatises.1 By the… … History of philosophy
Cuvântul Liber (1924) — Cuvântul Liber (Romanian for The Free Word ) was a Romanian political and cultural weekly published by Eugen Filotti from 1924 to 1925. Writers such as Ion Barbu, Victor Eftimiu and Tudor Arghezi or musicians, such as George Enescu or film… … Wikipedia
Sindicatul Liber al Oamenilor Muncii din România — Die Gewerkschaft Sindicatul Liber al Oamenilor Muncii din România (SLOMR, deutsch Freie Gewerkschaft der Werktätigen von Rumänien) wurde im Februar 1979 aus Protest gegen die allgegenwärtige Kontrolle durch die Rumänische Kommunistische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ambrosian Liturgy and Rite — • The liturgy and Rite of the Church of Milan, which derives its name from St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan (374 397) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Ambrosian Liturgy and Rite Ambrosian Liturgy and Rite … Catholic encyclopedia