Li Shaojun

Li Shaojun

Chinese Daoist
Wade-Giles romanization  Li Shao-Chün 
flourished 2nd century BCE, China

      noted Chinese Daoist who was responsible for much of the mystical content of popular Daoist thought (Daoism). Li was not only the first known Daoist alchemist but also the first to make the practice of certain hygienic exercises a part of Daoist rites. He was also the first to claim that the ultimate goal of the Daoist was to achieve the status of xian, a kind of immortal sage.

      Gaining the confidence of the great Han emperor Wudi in 133 BCE, Li persuaded him that immortality could be achieved by eating from a cinnabar vessel that had been transmuted into gold. When that occurred, Li said, one would suddenly see the famous sages on Penglai, the legendary isles of immortality. If one performed the proper rituals while gazing on these xian, one would never die.

      According to Li, the first step in the transmutation of cinnabar involved prayers to Zao Jun (Tsao Chün), the Furnace Prince. These prayers became an established part of Daoist ritual, and shortly after Li's death Zao Jun came to be considered the first of the great Daoist divinities; Li was thus responsible for making the worship of a specific divine figure a part of Daoist ritual.

      So great was his influence that Li was able to persuade the usually realistic Wudi that Li was several centuries old, having discovered the secret of immortality long before Wudi's time. Even after Li's death the emperor's faith in Li was unshaken; he declared that Li had merely transformed himself into another state. When Wudi had Li's coffin opened, only clothes and a cap remained.

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Universalium. 2010.

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