- Lenclos, Ninon de
▪ French courtesanborn 1620, Paris, Fr.died Oct. 17, 1705, Pariscelebrated French courtesan.From her father, Henri de Lenclos, sieur de La Douardière, she acquired a lasting interest in Epicurean philosophy. Although her father fled from France after killing a man in 1632, she remained in Paris and established there a salon that attracted a number of the most prominent literary and political figures of the age. Her lovers included Gaspard de Coligny, Marquis d'Andelot; Louis de Bourbon, Duke d'Énghien (later known as the Great Condé); Pierre de Villars; both the Marquis de Sévigné and his son, Charles de Sévigné; and Louis de Mornay, Marquis de Villarceaux, by whom she had a son. Among her intellectual admirers were included the playwright Molière, the poet Paul Scarron, and the skeptic Saint-Évremond.Ninon de Lenclos's irreligious attitudes caused King Louis XIV's mother, Anne of Austria, to have her confined to a convent in 1656, but her sympathizers quickly secured her release. She defended her philosophy and conduct in her book La Coquette vengée (1659; “The Coquette Avenged”). During the 1670s she was protected by Scarron's widow, who later became (as Madame de Maintenon) the wife of Louis XIV.After she retired from her career as a courtesan in 1671, Mlle de Lenclos's receptions became not only fashionable but also highly respectable. François Arouet, father of Voltaire, managed her business dealings during the final years of her life; in her will she left money for books for young Voltaire.Additional ReadingEdgar H. Cohen, Mademoiselle Libertine (1970).
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