Lenard, Philipp

Lenard, Philipp

German physicist
in full  Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard 
born June 7, 1862, Pressburg, Hung. [now Bratislava, Slovakia]
died May 20, 1947, Messelhausen, Ger.
 German physicist and recipient of the 1905 Nobel Prize for Physics for his research on cathode rays (cathode ray) and the discovery of many of their properties. His results had important implications for the development of electronics and nuclear physics.

      After working as a lecturer and as an assistant to Heinrich Hertz (Hertz, Heinrich) at the University of Bonn in 1893, Lenard became a professor of physics successively at the universities of Breslau (1894), Aachen (1895), Heidelberg (1896), and Kiel (1898). In 1907 he returned to teach at the University of Heidelberg, where he stayed until his retirement in 1931.

      Applying the discovery that cathode rays (cathode ray) pass through thin leaves of metal, Lenard constructed (1898) a cathode-ray tube with an aluminum window through which the rays could pass into the open air. Using a phosphorescent screen, he showed that the rays decreased in number as the screen was drawn away from the tube and that they ceased at a distance. The experiments also demonstrated that the power of substances to absorb the rays depends on their density and not on their chemical nature and that absorption decreases with increasing velocity of the rays. In similar experiments in 1899 he proved that cathode rays are created when light strikes metal surfaces; this phenomenon later became known as the photoelectric effect.

      Lenard's extensive research also included studies of ultraviolet light, the electrical conductivity of flames, and phosphorescence. He wrote a considerable number of books on cathode rays, relativity, and related subjects, including Über Kathodenstrahlen (1906; “On Cathode Rays”) and Deutsche Physik, 4 vol. (193637; “German Physics”).

      An ardent supporter of Nazism, Lenard publicly denouncedJewishscience, including Albert Einstein's theory of relativity.

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