Lanier, Nicholas

Lanier, Nicholas

English composer
Lanier also spelled  Laniere 
baptized Sept. 10, 1588, London, Eng.
buried Feb. 24, 1666, London

      English composer, singer, and painter, who probably introduced Italian monody into England. In 1617 he painted the scenery, composed the music for, and sang in Ben Jonson's masque Lovers Made Men, using the new monodic recitative style. In 1625 he became music master to Charles I (having served as lutenist since 1616) and after the Restoration (1660) to Charles II.

      Lanier's use of the Italian recitative style, or stylo recitativo, brought a significant Italian influence to English music. His skillful experimentation with speech rhythms, characteristic of Italian recitative, contributed to the development of the English Baroque style, later brought to maturity by John Blow and Henry Purcell.

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