Landa, Diego de

Landa, Diego de

▪ Spanish priest
born 1524?, Cifuentes, Spain
died 1579, Yucatán, Mexico

      Spanish Franciscan priest and bishop of Yucatán who is best known for his classic account of Mayan (Maya) culture.

      Landa was born to a noble family and when quite young joined the Franciscans (1541). His religious fervour manifested itself early, and he asked to be sent as a missionary to the New World. Once in Mexico he tried to help the Indians, who were decimated by disease and starvation, through charitable works, and he protected them as much as possible from the Spanish authorities. He became the Franciscan provincial of Yucatán in 1561.

      Landa was an acute and intelligent observer, and his opus on Mayan life and religion, Relación de las cosas de Yucatán (1566), remains the classic text on Mayan civilization. While Landa was sympathetic to the Mayan people, he abhorred certain of their practices, particularly human sacrifice. When traces of human sacrifice were found in a cave containing sacred statues of the Maya, Landa, in his religious zeal, ordered all their idols destroyed and all Mayan books to be burned; he was surprised at the distress this caused the Indians. It was reported that 157 Indians were killed in the process, but an investigation by crown authorities exonerated Landa, and he was appointed bishop of Yucatán in 1572.

      Modern scholars regard Landa with a mixture of frustration and admiration. At the same time he wrote his comprehensive work on Mayan culture, his orders to destroy all icons and hieroglyphics obliterated the Mayan language forever, helping to undermine and destroy the civilization he so vividly described. Yet his book, which was not printed until 1864, provided a phonetic alphabet that made it possible to decipher about one-third of the Mayan hieroglyphs, and many of the remainder have since been deciphered.

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Universalium. 2010.

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