Land League

Land League

Irish agrarian organization
      Irish agrarian organization that worked for the reform of the country's landlord system under British rule. The league was founded in October 1879 by Michael Davitt (Davitt, Michael), the son of an evicted tenant farmer and a member of the Fenian (Irish Republican) Brotherhood. Davitt asked Charles Stewart Parnell (Parnell, Charles Stewart), leader of the Irish Home Rule Party in the British Parliament, to preside over the league; this linking of the land reform movement with parliamentary activity constituted a new departure in the Irish national movement.

      The league's program was based upon thethree F's: fair rent, fixity of tenure, and free sale of the right of occupancy. The passage in 1881 of Gladstone's Land Act, restricting the privileges of landlords, was a victory for the league. Parnell's increasingly violent speeches, however, led to his arrest on Oct. 13, 1881, and the league called on tenants to withhold all rents. The government used thisno-rent manifestoas a pretext for its suppression of the league on October 20.

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  • Land League — n. In Ireland, a combination of tenant farmers and other, organized, with Charles Stewart Parnell as president, in 1879 with a view to the reduction of farm rents and a reconstruction of the land laws. {Land *lea guer}, n. {Land *lea guism}, n.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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