Lameth, Alexandre, comte de

Lameth, Alexandre, comte de

French noble
(count of)
born Oct. 28, 1760, Paris, Fr.
died March 18, 1829, Paris

      French nobleman who was a leading advocate of constitutional monarchy in the early stages of the French Revolution of 1789.

      Lameth and his brothers, Charles and Théodore, fought for the colonists in the American Revolution. On returning to France, Lameth was appointed colonel of a cavalry regiment (1785). He was elected a representative for the nobility to the Estates General that convened on May 5, 1789, but on June 25 he joined the unprivileged Third Estate, which had declared itself a revolutionary National Assembly. He helped draft the Assembly's Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (August 1789), and he supported measures abolishing feudalism and restricting the hitherto absolute powers of King Louis XVI. In September, Lameth and his two close associates, Antoine Barnave (Barnave, Antoine) and Adrien Duport (Duport, Adrien)—thetriumvirate”—blocked legislation that would have created a separate legislative chamber for the nobility.

      Nevertheless, by the spring of 1791 Lameth and his friends felt that continuation of the Revolution might endanger the monarchy and private property. They then became secret advisers to the royal family, which subsidized their newspaper, the Logographe. Louis XVI's abortive attempt to flee from France in June 1791, however, discredited the new system of constitutional monarchy. In an attempt to consolidate their forces, Lameth and his associates withdrew from the Jacobin Club and formed the Club of the Feuillants (Feuillants, Club of the). The triumvirs were ineligible to sit in the Legislative Assembly, which convened on Oct. 1, 1791, but they directed the Feuillants of the Assembly in their unsuccessful struggle against the Jacobins.

      When France went to war with Austria in April 1792, Lameth became an officer in the Army of the North. He emigrated with the Marquis de Lafayette after the fall of the monarchy on Aug. 10, 1792. Interned for more than three years in Austria, Lameth settled in Hamburg in 1796. After Napoleon came to power in France, Lameth returned to his homeland (1800) and served as a prefect from 1802 until 1815. He was a member of the liberal parliamentary opposition during the reigns of kings Louis XVIII and Charles X.

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Universalium. 2010.

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