Lāhūn, Al-

Lāhūn, Al-

ancient site, Egypt
also spelled  El Lahun  or  Illahun 

      ancient Egyptian (Egypt, ancient) site, located southwest of Al-Fayyūm (Fayyūm, Al-) near the southward turn of the Baḥr Yūsuf canal in Al-Fayyūm (Fayyūm, Al-) muḥāfaẓah (governorate). Al-Lāhūn was the location of a Middle Kingdom (Egypt, ancient) (1938c. 1630 BCE) pyramid and of a workmen's village of approximately the same date.

      The pyramid, built by King Sesostris II (reigned 184437 BCE), fourth of the eight kings of the 12th dynasty (Egypt, ancient) (1938c. 1756), was unusual in that the entrance to the burial chamber was not in the north side of the pyramid but was found instead to the south of the structure. Although the pyramid itself was robbed in antiquity, a treasure of jewelry was discovered in the tombs of the princesses, located within the pyramid enclosure. In technical perfection and artistic mastery this collection easily rivals all other Middle Kingdom objects of its type.

      Excavation of the village, which was also inhabited during the Second Intermediate period (Egypt, ancient) (c. 16301540 BCE), revealed a remarkable degree of town planning. Innumerable pieces of furniture and other household items were found, as well as a mass of papyri dealing with various topics, including letters, private wills, royal hymns, medical texts, and the temple archives of the pyramid cult.

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