Laelius, Gaius

Laelius, Gaius

Roman general
born c. 235 BC
died c. 160 BC

      Roman general and politician who contributed to Roman victory during the Second Punic War (Punic War, Second) (218201) between Rome and Carthage.

      Owing his political advancement to his friend, the renowned commander Scipio Africanus (Scipio Africanus the Elder), Laelius accompanied Scipio on his Spanish campaign (210206). While in Africa with Scipio from 204 to 202, Laelius defeated the Numidian prince Syphax, an ally of the Carthaginians, and commanded the cavalry in Scipio's decisive victory over Hannibal at Zama (now in Tunisia; 202). After the war Laelius advanced from aedile (197) to praetor (196) to consul (190; when he was the colleague of Scipio Africanus's brother). From 167 he befriended the Greek historian Polybius, whom he supplied with a great deal of information about the life of Scipio Africanus.

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