Lacordaire, Henri

Lacordaire, Henri

French priest
in full  Jean-baptiste-henri Lacordaire  
born May 12, 1802, Recey-sur-Ource, France
died Nov. 21, 1861, Sorèze

      leading ecclesiastic in the Roman Catholic revival in France following the Napoleonic period.

      Raised in a troubled time, Lacordaire renounced religion and studied jurisprudence at Dijon, France, following which he practiced law in Paris. After experiencing a religious awakening, however, he studied for the priesthood and was ordained in 1827. In 1830 he joined a small group of Roman Catholic writers under the direction of one of the most controversial and influential figures then in the French church, Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais. They founded L'Avenir (“The Future”), a journal advocating the separation of church and state. When Lamennais's doctrines were condemned in 1832 by Pope Gregory XVI, the journal was suppressed. Lacordaire and his colleagues submitted, but Lamennais was later excommunicated.

      A period of disappointment followed, during which Lacordaire focused his energies on preaching. His sermons of 1834 appealed to Parisian intellectuals, and in 1835 the archbishop of Paris invited him to preach at Notre Dame, where his lectures became known as the Lenten Conferences. He gradually came to believe that the best means of strengthening the French church, the condition of which had been impaired by the Revolution, was to restore the religious orders destroyed by the Revolution. Favouring the Dominicans (Dominican) because they were especially devoted to preaching and education, he joined that order at Rome in 1838. He returned to Paris in 1840 and resumed his preaching at Notre Dame, using his pulpit as a means to express his support of liberty in church and state.

      His major contribution to the religious reorientation in France was his reestablishment of the Dominicans, which began when he influenced the restoration of a novitiate at Nancy in 1843. He was head of the French Dominicans from 1850 to 1854 and helped to make the order a religious and educational power in France.

      In favour of a republican France, Lacordaire openly attacked Napoleon III in a sermon at Paris (1853); his opposition to the emperor led him to retire to Sorèze in 1854. He was elected to the French Academy in 1860. His works, including his life of St. Dominic, were edited by P. Lethielleux, 4 vol. (1912).

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