Labour and Socialist International

Labour and Socialist International

      organization in existence from 1923 until the advent of World War II that defined itself in its constitution asa union of such parties as accept the principles of the economic emancipation of the workers from capitalist domination and the establishment of the Socialist Commonwealth as their object.”

      In 1921 delegates from thecentreandleftSocialist parties that had refused to join either the Second or the Third International met in a congress at Vienna and formed the International Working Union of Socialist Parties, also known as the Vienna Union, with the object of preparing the ground for an all-embracing International. In 1922 delegates from the Second and Third Internationals and the Vienna Union met in Berlin to explore the conditions of common action. No substantive agreements resulted. After the failure of the Berlin conference, the Second International and the Vienna Union drew closer together and ultimately united at a congress held in Hamburg in 1923, attended by 620 delegates representing 41 parties in 30 countries with an aggregate membership of 6,700,000 and a voting strength of 25,000,000. It adopted the name Labour and Socialist International and was closely associated with the International Federation of Trade Unions.

      The LSI believed fascism to be the gravest menace to freedom and peace and considered the restoration of working-class unity as the most effective means to combat it. The LSI recognized in the economic conditions of the Versailles peace treaty one of the main sources from which both the Communist and Nazi movements in Germany derived their strength, and strove for a fair settlement of the reparations imposed upon the Weimar Republic. The LSI called on the Western powers to assist Germany when the German economy collapsed in the early 1930s. With Hitler's rise to power the LSI became mainly preoccupied with the danger of war. It supported the principle of collective security, pressed for the adoption of a general convention of the League of Nations to strengthen the means of preventing war, and opposed the rearmament of Nazi Germany. It helped to organize financial assistance on a large scale for political refugees from fascist countries, especially for the victims of Franco's war against the Spanish republic.

      Hitler's conquests in western Europe destroyed the basis of the International in Europe. Only the British, Swedish, and Swiss Socialist parties survived, and the International ceased to function.

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Universalium. 2010.

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