Labeo, Marcus Antistius

Labeo, Marcus Antistius

Roman jurist
born c. 54 BC
died c. 10/11 AD

      Roman jurist who was the greatest figure in imperial jurisprudence before the time of the emperor Hadrian (reigned AD 117138).

      Labeo came from a plebeian family of Samnite origin. His father, the jurist Pacuvius Labeo, had supported the republican revolutionary Marcus Junius Brutus (Brutus, Marcus Junius), one of the assassins of Julius Caesar (Caesar, Julius). Although the younger Labeo likewise espoused an obsolescent Roman republicanism against the imperial form of government, he attained the praetorship under Augustus and declined that emperor's offer of the consulate.

      Labeo is reputed to have written 400 books, including commentaries on the Law of the Twelve Tables (Twelve Tables, Law of the), the praetorian edicts and pontifical law, collections of law cases (Epistulae and Responsa), and the Pithana, a collection of definitions and axiomatic legal propositions. He had a special interest in dialectics and language as aids in legal exposition. His progressive outlook and bold innovations are confirmed in surviving fragments of his works and in the abundant citations and annotations of them by subsequent Roman jurists. Labeo's Libri posteriores, a systematic exposition of Roman law, is so called because it was published after his death. This posthumous publication is indicative of the great esteem in which he was held, and it is the only such instance in Roman legal history. Labeo was also a teacher and is regarded as the founder of the Proculian school of jurists, named for his follower Sempronius Proculus.

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Universalium. 2010.

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