Kupka, František

Kupka, František

Czech artist
also called  Frank Kupka , or  François Kupka 
born September 23, 1871, Opočno, Bohemia [now Czech Republic]
died June 24, 1957, Puteaux, France

      Czech-born French pioneer of abstract painting and one of the first completely nonrepresentational artists. His mature works contributed much to the foundations of purely abstract painting in the 20th century.

 Kupka studied at the Prague and Vienna art academies and at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, where he settled in 1895. In 190811 he experimented with Fauvism and with pointillism (divisionism), a technique invented by the French painter Georges Seurat, whose colour-contrast theories led Kupka to study the aesthetic properties of colours.

      Kupka, in his painting Disks of Newton (1912), and Robert Delaunay (Delaunay, Robert), in his similar Disks (1912), were the earliest exponents of curvilinear pure abstraction. This art was dubbed Orphisman art ofmusicalcolour lyricismby the poet and art critic Guillaume Apollinaire (Apollinaire, Guillaume) in 1912. Kupka painted abstractions with titles such as Fugue in Red and Blue (1912) that made explicit his belief that abstract colour, like music, is capable of evoking profound feeling.

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