

Buddhist scholar
born 343/344
died 413

      Buddhist scholar and seer, famed for his encyclopaedic knowledge of Indian and Vedantic learning. He is recognized as one of the greatest translators of Buddhist scriptures from Sanskrit into Chinese, and it was largely owing to his efforts and influence that Buddhist religious and philosophical ideas were disseminated in China.

      Kumarajiva was raised in the tradition of Hinayana Buddhism and studied its teachings at Kashgar, China. He was later converted to the Madhyamika school of Buddhism by a Mahayanist named Suryasama and was ordained at age 20. He then devoted himself to the study of the Mahayana tradition and gained fame as a scholar in India and China. Captured by Chinese raiders, he was taken prisoner to China and finally arrived at Chang'an (now Xi'an) in 401. There he gained the approval of the imperial family and headed a famous school of translators. His most important work was the translation into Chinese of the central texts of the Madhyamika (Mādhyamika) school, which became the basic texts of the Chinese Sanlun (Japanese: Sanron), orThree Treatise,” school of Buddhism.

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