Kuhn, Maggie

Kuhn, Maggie

American activist
in full  Margaret E. Kuhn 
born Aug. 3, 1905, Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.
died April 22, 1995, Philadelphia, Pa.

      American social activist who was central in establishing the group that became known as the Gray Panthers, which works for the rights and welfare of the elderly.

      Kuhn was raised in the North so that she would not be exposed to the racial segregation her Southern parents had experienced. In 1922 she enrolled in the Flora Stone Mather College of Case Western Reserve University, where she majored in English and sociology while also organizing a college chapter of the League of Women Voters. After graduation she took a job with Cleveland's Young Women's Christian Association, where she stayed for the next 11 years. Working with the members, many of whom had low-paying jobs and were beginning to form unions, Kuhn developed an interest in social activism.

      After resigning from the YWCA in the late 1930s, she began 25 years of work with the United Presbyterian Church in New York City, serving as its associate secretary in the office of church and society, as coordinator of programming in the division of church and race, and as an editor of and writer for Social Progress, the church magazine. An activist for such social causes as women's rights, medical care, housing, and the elderly, Kuhn used her own experience in the church ministry to write Get Out There and Do Something About Injustice (1972) and Maggie Kuhn on Aging (1977), which argued that the church shouldlaunch a massive attack on ageism in all its oppressive and constraining forms.” She resented the church's mandatory retirement policy and, after being forced to retire in 1970 at the age of 65, began meeting with other retirees about social issues.

      They formed an organization committed to bridging the gap between young and old people, which was at first called the Consultation of Older and Younger Adults for Social Change; however, it was dubbed theGray Panthersby a television newsman who likened them to the militant Black Panthers, and the name held. From their office in a Philadelphia church basement, they launched a crusade to end age discrimination and other social injustices through such means as the group's National Media Watch Task Force. In 1973 Kuhn's organization merged with Ralph Nader's Retired Professional Action Group and began a study of nursing homes that resulted in Nursing Homes: A Citizens' Action Guide (1977).

      Speaking on the problems of medical care for the aged, Kuhn charged thatdoctors prey on the infirmities of the old.” She later attacked welfare reform and the generally negative portrayal of the elderly on television. The Gray Panthers went on to call for the elimination of the profit motive from the U.S. health-care system; at meetings of the American Medical Association the group presented position papers and staged protests. The Gray Panthers convened biennially, attracting delegates from as many as 70 local chapters. The conventions recommended legislation for free health care and adopted a resolution calling for the right of all people to express their sexuality.

      Kuhn and the Gray Panthers focused on maintaining Social Security benefits during the 1980s as they fell under attack of the Ronald Reagan administration. In the early 1990s a campaign for a national health-care system was their top priority. Other issues for the 1990s included federal support for housing, reduced military spending, and a clean and safe environment. Kuhn remained the national convener of the organization.

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