Kubin, Alfred

Kubin, Alfred

Austrian artist
born April 10, 1877, Leitmeritz, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary [now Litoměřice, Czech Republic]
died August 24, 1959, Zwickledt, Austria

      Austrian graphic artist known for his drawings and paintings of dreamlike, often morbid, subjects.

      In 1898 Kubin went to Munich, Bavaria, in the German Empire (now Germany), to study art. As a student, he discovered the works that would become his major influences: the fantastic and morbid prints of French Symbolist (Symbolist movement) Odilon Redon (Redon, Odilon) and of Belgian painter James Ensor (Ensor, James, Baron), and the strange and imaginative etchings of German artist Max Klinger (Klinger, Max). Kubin's early drawings were usually executed in an ink-and-wash technique that attempted to emulate the velvety aquatints of Redon and Klinger. He later adopted a more spontaneous-looking drawing style that is often described asspidery.”

      In 1902 Kubin had his first exhibition at the Cassirer Gallery in Berlin, and the next year he completed the first of many book illustrations. He visited the aging Redon's Paris studio in 1906. Later that year Kubin settled at Zwickledt, Austria, where he continued to live for most of his life. He exhibited with the Blaue Reiter (Blaue Reiter, Der) group in Munich in 1912 and at Der Sturm (Sturm, Der) in 1913. He suffused his works with images of death, of a menacing female sexuality, and of various bizarre animals, all of which he depicted in dim light against shadowy backgrounds, evoking a haunting expectation of some sinister turn of events. The nightmarish world Kubin created in his drawings reflects his own inner turmoil; he attempted suicide in 1896 and suffered a mental breakdown in 1903.

      Kubin seems to have chosen the books he illustratedby writers such as Edgar Allan Poe (Poe, Edgar Allan), Oscar Wilde (Wilde, Oscar), and Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Dostoyevsky, Fyodor)—for their macabre qualities. Kubin also wrote a novel inspired by the death of his father, Die andere Seite (1909; “The Other Side”).

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