Koch, C.J.

Koch, C.J.

Australian author
in full  Christopher John Koch 
born July 16, 1932, Hobart, Tas., Austl.

      Australian novelist whose sensually detailed works often explore the relationship of illusion to reality.

      Koch was educated in Hobart at the University of Tasmania and worked for the Australian Broadcasting Commission as a radio producer before devoting himself to writing in 1972. His most famous and acclaimed novel, The Year of Living Dangerously (1978), follows radio journalist Guy Hamilton as he arrives in Indonesia on the eve of a coup intended to topple the dictator Sukarno. The character Billy Kwan exemplifies a motif in Koch's work, the individual who pays a mortal price for another's self-discovery. Koch later wrote the screenplay for a film version (1982) by Australian director Peter Weir.

      Koch's works use a layered narrative style and richly depict colloquial voices so as to fashion environments in which protagonists confront moral dilemmas. Asia is a common setting, usually portrayed as a mysterious backdrop against which Australian outsiders struggle to understand their environments and themselves. Koch's travel and work experienceswhich include a UNESCO assignment to organize radio production facilities in Indonesiafeature throughout his oeuvre, including in his interconnected novels Highways to a War (1995) and Out of Ireland (1999), the former of which tells the story of an Australian character in Cambodia and Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

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