Klüver, Heinrich

Klüver, Heinrich

American psychologist and neurologist
born May 25, 1897, Holstein, Ger.
died Feb. 8, 1979, Oak Lawn, Ill., U.S.

      German-born U.S. experimental psychologist (experimental psychology) and neurologist (neurology) who made many contributions to the understanding of the relationships between the brain and behaviour. His investigations ranged from photographic visual memory in children (1926) and hallucinations induced by mescaline (1928) to comparative studies of neural mechanisms involved in perception.

      A professor at the University of Chicago (193363), Klüver wrote Behavior Mechanisms in Monkeys (1933), a work that had far-reaching influence on behavioral and neurological research. The KlüverBucy syndrome refers to the behavioral and physiological effects following the removal of the temporal lobes (comprising most of the lower cerebrum) from monkey brains.

      In later years Klüver turned to neurochemistry, particularly to the study of free porphyrins found in the brain. His work on the staining of nervous tissue was widely used by other investigators. He also wrote Mescal and Mechanisms of Hallucinations (1966).

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