

      ancient Hebrew lyre, the musical instrument of King David. According to the Roman Jewish historian Josephus (1st century AD), it resembled the Greek kithara (i.e., having broad arms of a piece with the boxlike neck), and kinnor was translated as “kithara” in both the Greek Old Testament and the Latin Bible. Medieval writers often mistakenly called it a harp. The kinnor had from 3 to 12 gut strings, in late antiquity usually 10. It was played with a plectrum when accompanying singing or dancing but was apparently plucked with the fingers when used as a solo instrument. The term sometimes referred generically to stringed instruments.

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  • kinnor — ⇒CINNOR, KINNOR, subst. masc. ANTIQ. Sorte de harpe dont on jouait dans le temple de Jérusalem. Cinnor hébreu (CHATEAUBRIAND, Les Martyrs, t. 1, 1810, p. 174). Prononc. et Orth. Seules transcr. ds LITTRÉ : si nnor; ki nnor. Étymol. et Hist. I.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • kinnor — cinnor ou, selon d autres, kinnor (si nnor ou ki nnor) s. m. Instrument de musique des anciens Hébreux. •   Aux branches du saule était suspendue une lyre plus forte que la lyre de Cymodocée : c était un cinnor hébreu, CHATEAUB. Mart. 63. •   Au… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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