Kikutake Kiyonori

Kikutake Kiyonori

Japanese architect

born April 1, 1928, Kurume City, Japan

      post-World War II Japanese architect particularly concerned with the problems of a changing world.

      After graduating from Waseda University (1950), Kikutake worked for several architectural firms and then opened his own office (1953). The work that first brought him to international notice was Sky House (1957), his own home, a building of one room elevated on four pylons. He became the leader of the Metabolism Group formed by several young Japanese architects at the World Design Conference (1960) in Tokyo, and he made substantial contributions to architectural theory. One of his most noted designs is for a city with residential towers extending down into the sea from huge concrete rafts. Buildings he designed include the administration building of the Great Shrine of Izumo (1963), the Hotel Tokoen at Yonago City (1964), the Miyakonojo Civic Centre (1966), the Pacific Hotel at Chigasaki (1967), and the Kurume Civic Centre (1969). His futuristic marine cities were partly realized in the Aquapolis for the Okinawa Exposition (1975).

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