kernicterus — impregnación bilirrubínica de la sustancia de los núcleos grises del cerebro y médula con degeneración de las células nerviosas. Es una forma grave de ictericia del recién nacido [ICD 10: P57.9] Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos.. Alvaro… … Diccionario médico
Kernicterus — ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = 003243 eMedicineSubj = ped eMedicineTopic = 1247 MeshID = D007647 Kernicterus is damage to the brain centers of infants caused by increased levels of unconjugated indirect bilirubin which is free (not bound to albumin) … Wikipedia
Kernicterus — Disorder due to jaundice in a newborn baby with a high blood level of the pigment bilirubin that is deposited in the brain resulting in damage. Some babies are at high risk. A baby who has bruises at birth is more likely to develop jaundice. A… … Medical dictionary
Kernicterus — El kernicterus, ictericia nuclear o encefalopatía neonatal bilirrubínica es una complicación neurológica grave causada por la elevación de los niveles normales de bilirrubina en la sangre del neonato. Se debe a la acción directa de la bilirrubina … Wikipedia Español
kernicterus — noun Damage to the brain centres of infants caused by increased levels of unconjugated indirect bilirubin which is free (not bound to albumin) … Wiktionary
kernicterus — ker·nic·ter·us … English syllables
kernicterus — n. staining and subsequent damage of the brain by bile pigment (bilirubin), which may occur in severe cases of haemolytic disease of the newborn. Immature brain cells in the basal ganglia are affected, and as brain development proceeds a pattern… … The new mediacal dictionary
kernicterus — /kəˈnɪktərəs/ (say kuh niktuhruhs) noun a severe form of jaundice in the newborn, usually causing death or permanent brain damage. {German, from Kern core (see kern2) + Icterus icterus} …
kernicterus — noun an abnormal accumulation of bile pigment in the brain and other nerve tissue; causes yellow staining and tissue damage • Hypernyms: ↑jaundice, ↑icterus … Useful english dictionary
biliary encephalopathy — kernicterus … Medical dictionary