

ancient (Latin)  Cambodunum 

      city, Bavaria Land (state), southern Germany. It is situated on the Iller River in the heart of the Allgäuer Alps, about 70 miles (110 km) southwest of Munich. A residence of the Alemannic dukes and the Frankish kings, the town was the site of a Benedictine abbey founded (752) and endowed by Hildegard, wife of Charlemagne. The abbey, which was raised to the status of a principality in 1348, was in constant conflict with the town, which was a free imperial city from 1289 and solidly Protestant from 1525. A new town grew up around the abbey in the 17th century, after the Thirty Years' War, and was chartered in 1712. The two towns were united in 1818, after having been absorbed by Bavaria in 1803.

      Kempten is the economic, cultural, and communications centre of the Allgäu region and the market for its dairy products (especially cheeses). Locally produced goods include machinery, metal products, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and processed foods. Kempten's historic landmarks include the abbey Church of St. Lorenz (1652), the residence of the prince-abbots (165174), the stone town hall (1474), and the Church of St. Mang (Evangelical, 1426, restored). The 18th-century Grain Exchange (Kornhaus) now houses the Allgäu Provincial Museum. Pop. (2003 est.) 61,504.

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Universalium. 2010.

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