Kemble, Roger

Kemble, Roger

British actor
born March 1, 1721, Hereford, Eng.
died Dec. 6, 1802

      English actor and theatre manager and founder of the famous Kemble family.

      Kemble's fancy was taken by a theatrical company that he encountered at Canterbury in 1752. He was able to join it, but he was not at first a successful actor. Later he turned up at Birmingham, where he managed to be taken on by the theatre manager John Ward, and he improved his acting at least modestly.

      Kemble married Ward's daughter Sarah, to the distress of her father, who did not want his child to marry an actor but consoled himself, it is said, with the thought that Kemble was no actor. Kemble did succeed as a theatrical manager. The marriage was fruitful: of his and Sarah's 12 children, 8 lived to adulthood and 5 of those went into the theatre; the children often played in productions of a traveling company Kemble established and managed.

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