Kansan Glacial Stage

Kansan Glacial Stage

      major division of Pleistocene deposits and time in North America (the Pleistocene Epoch began about 2,500,000 years ago and ended about 10,000 years ago). The Kansan glaciation followed the Aftonian Interglacial Stage and preceded the Yarmouth Interglacial Stage, both periods of moderate climatic conditions. The Kansan Glacial Stage was named for deposits studied in northeastern Kansas, although more representative and complete deposits exist near Afton, Iowa.

      The Kansan glaciations appear to have been very extensive. Away from the ice margins, in present Kansas and southern Indiana, well-developed forests and mammalian faunas existed. Areas that are now generally arid or semi-arid were clearly moister. The Kansan fauna was diverse and abundant and essentially modern in composition. Animal ranges and distributions, however, were much different. Characteristic fossil forms of the Kansan Glacial Stage include the mammoth, musk-ox, moose, and extinct giant beaver. In the Midwest a widespread volcanic ash bed, the Pearlette Ash, is an important horizon marker; the Pearlette Ash was probably produced by volcanic eruption in the western Cordilleras.

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