

      (Greek: “canon”), one of the main forms of Byzantine liturgical office; it consists of nine odes, based on the nine biblical canticles of the Eastern (Eastern Orthodoxy) Christian Church. (Compare canonical hours.) The kanōn is thought to have originated in Jerusalem in the 7th or 8th century to replace the biblical canticles in the morning office.

      Each ode is made up of a model stanza (heirmos) and subsequent stanzas (troparia), usually three, that follow the rhythm and accentuation of the model stanza. The last troparion in an ode usually contains praises to the Virgin Mary and is therefore designated theotokion (from Theotokos, Mother of God). Some kanōns contain an acrostic consisting of the first letters of each stanza and revealing either the name of the poet, a dedication for a feast, or both.

      There are several kanōns for each feast and saint of the ecclesiastical calendar. On weekdays during Lent only three odes were sung, hence the Triōdion, the liturgical book containing the Lent kanōns. The melody of an ode is first stated by the heirmos; the accompanying troparia are supposed to be chanted to the same tune. In practice, however, except on important feasts, only the heirmoi are chanted, the troparia being recited. The heirmoi are often assembled in the Heirmologion, a special book for singers.

      Among the most famous authors of kanōns are St. John of Damascus, author of the famous Easter kanōn (Eng. trans. by John Mason Neale, “ 'Tis the Day of Resurrection”), and Cosmas the Melodian, who wrote kanōns of great poetical beauty for the major feasts. Hymnography also flourished in Syria and Asia Minor in this period. In 798, however, the centre of hymn writing shifted to Constantinople, where St. Theodore Studites (died 826) inaugurated a liturgical revival and St. Theophanes Graptos (died 845) and St. Joseph the Hymnographer (died 883) were the principal hymn writers.

      The writing of new kanōns continued in subsequent centuries in Greek and Slavic Orthodox lands.

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