

Tamil poet
born c. 1180, Tiruvaluntur, Tanjore district, India
died 1250

      sometimes called the finest Tamil poet, whose principal achievement is the epic Irāmāvatāram (Rama's Incarnation).

      Little is known about Kampan's life. That he was a masterful poet and knowledgeable about Tamil (Tamil literature) and Sanskrit literary traditions is evident from his Irāmāvatāram. Based on the Sanskrit Rāmāyaṇa by Valmiki, it is a climactic blend of earlier Śaṅgam (Śaṅgam literature) poetry, Tamil epics, the Alvars (Āḷvār)' fervor of personal bhakti (South Asian arts) (devotion) toward Rama, folk motifs, and Sanskrit stories, metres, and poetic devices. Instead of a just king and a perfect man, Rama is an incarnation of Vishnu and an intense object of devotion, dwarfing the Vedic gods; yet the emphasis is not on Vishnu but on dharma (“the law”), localized and Tamilized.

      Kampan revels in elaborate metaphor, hyperbole, and fanciful descriptions of virtue and nature in Irāmāvatāram. The poem is 40,000 lines long; the Yuttakāṇṭam (“War Canto”) alone, with 14 battles, equals the Iliad in length. The poem is also justly known for its variety of style, its humour, and its handling of the narrative, dramatic, and lyric modes. Kampan's popularity apparently extended north of Tamil country, influencing some episodes of Tulsi (Siva Dayāl Sāheb)'s Hindi version of the Rāmāyaṇa, and into northern Kerala, where 32 plays based on Kampan are enacted ritually with marionettes in Shiva temples.

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