Kállay, Benjamin

Kállay, Benjamin

Austro-Hungarian statesman
in full  Benjamin Kállay Von Nagy-kálló 
born December 22, 1839, Pest [now in Budapest], Hungary, Austrian Empire
died July 13, 1903, Vienna, Austria

      Austro-Hungarian statesman who was concurrently imperial minister of finance and chief secretary for Bosnia for more than two decades (18821903).

      A lifelong student of the Balkans, Kállay first held office as consul general at Belgrade (1867). Several years later, he published a brief history of Serbia. A political conservative and disciple of the foreign minister Count Gyula Andrássy, he was named section chief in the ministry in 1879; in 1881 he temporarily headed the Foreign Office during a brief ministerial interregnum. Inheriting the proconsulship of Bosnia with his accession to the Ministry of Finance (1882), he soon instituted an efficient and enlightened, though autocratic, administration there. A vigorous program of public works (especially railway construction) and improved medical and civil services marked his regime, and a sympathy for South Slav peoples infused both his administrative conduct and the attitudes of his several historical works.

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